Friday, December 18, 2009

Cutest little rolley polley!!

Pretty much everyday when we get dressed she HAS to hold the lotion bottle, she's OBSESSED with any kind of bottle she can get her cute chubby little hands on so this is why she has a death grip on it she doesnt want me to have it!! But man look at those rolls aren't they just adorable!! I love this chubby little girl and i'm praying she never looses those chubby squishy cheeks!!

So here she is miss naked rolley polley, now that she can sit really good i let her take a bath like a big girl and she loves it cause now she can play with her toys in the tub and she thinks its fantastic! (i'm a freak and had to drain all the water to take a pic though so she didnt face plant into the water by herself!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Miss Kambria 7 months

So here a few cute more recent pictures of bria within the last month or so......In her 7 month of life (wow that went so fast) she got her first tooth coming in!! She's turning into such a BIG GIRL! she has completely mastered sitting up on her own, is trying to crawl, and pull herself up on stuff hasnt quite accomplished it yet though but she's giving it a good effort and has learned how to basically RUN in her walker! She is a very smart little girl and learns very quickly she started walking in it both forward and backward which my mom said is amazing cause it usually takes babies awhile to learn how to do both , well not little B as soon as she learned she could move when and where she wanted in that thing she took off!! I have a video of her in it but it wont load for some reason so ill keep trying so look for it to come soon! She also LOVES to play peek a boo, she laughs and laughs when we play, she's still a momma's girl which melts my heart and she LOVES to give kisses, she also has started waving, not when you say hi or bye she will see something she wants and start waving at it, its kinda funny! She still loves to smile and laugh and is such a happy little girl!At every stage i think she just gets cuter and more fun and can't wait to see what she learns next!! Love you little B

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

She's such a big girl!

Momma and Kambria
Daddy and his little mini....seriously doesnt she look just like him :)

I LOVE these big beautiful BLUE least she got something from me!

She basically just wanted to grab the camera, hence her not smiling face!

Here is miss Kambria lovin her baby biscuit....yum want some?
She learned how to use her sippy!

Sitting up all by herself!
Daddy's little gangsta!

Seriously i really didnt realize how fast they grow up! I swear one second you have a brand new baby then you turn around and she's already sittin up, trying to feed herself, drinking from a sippy cup, Eating food food, and working on crawling it just amazes me how fast she is changing!
I love that i get to stay home with her so i dont miss a thing! I love you little girl!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My little Fall baby!

She loved the leaves!
I Love this little look she gives me! She LOVES her thumb...yum yum!

I absolutely ADORE this little smile with her bottom lip sucked in.... :)

(oops sorry not sure how this little one made it in but i coulnt delete it)
So we did a little fall leaf photo shoot in the front yard and she LOVED the leaves! You can actually see her little wheels in her head turning try to figure out every new thing she touches and of course it goes right in her mouth haha but not to worry she didnt ingest any leaves i grabbed them before she could! She's getting so big and independent at her young age of 6 months she already wants to try and do everything herself that she can! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE being this little girls mommy! =)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our home in progress!

So here are some pictures of our house its a work in progress but its coming along! We've had a ton of help from our family and are so thankful for all the hard work they have put in working on the house and watching Kambria...We love you!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

28 things i Love about you!

So of course i'm late doing this post, our life is really crazy lately and i have tons of pictures to post but cant find my usb cord AGAIN.....GR so when i do i will post pictures of our HOUSE that's finally moving right along and pics of our cute cute BABY who had her 6 month check up yesterday and weighed 19.9 lbs and is 27 in long 97% for all yay! :)

28 things i love about my 28 yr old Hubby...Happy birthday Babe!

1. I love your funny laugh
2. I love that your face has the farmers hat line all the time so funny!
3.I love those beautiful brown eyes
4. I love that you are such a good daddy to kambria
5. I love that you tell me you love me and bria 500 times a day
6. I love that you work so hard for us
7. I love that we are reaching our goals together
8. I love that we get to build our house together
9. I love you for giving in and taking me to a country concert
10. I love that you let me be right most of the time haha
11. I love that HUGE heart you have
12. I love that you are so level headed
13. I love that you are so supportive
14. I love that you are spontaneous
15. I love that you are a spiritual man
16. I love that you are family oriented
17. I love that you are ambitious
18. i love that you are smart and want to go to school
19. I love that you are so forgiving
20. I love that we just celebrated our 3rd anniversary together (nov. 2nd)
21. I love you for how much you LOVE our little girl
22.I love watching you play with bria, her eyes light up when she sees daddy and i LOVE it :)
23. I love that you are active and like to DO fun things with me
24. I love that you love the outdoors as much as i do and enjoy being outside
25. I love that you can stand living with my family while we build our house :)
26. I love how much you love your family (siblings and parents family)
27. I love you for just being you!

28. And last but not least I love you for marrying me and making me the happiest Mrs. Avery with a wonderful husband and beautiful little baby girl!
Thanks for all you do for us girls we would be lost without you!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dev's weddings/ B's new favs

Pics of us at my BEAUTIFUL friend Devon's wedding, where besides the bride little kambria was the princess, she was the only baby there and the wedding guests couldnt get enough of her all dress up in her dress and tights she looked adorable!

I also wanted to post my little peanuts new favorites things in life so i dont forget when she's big
One week shy of 6 months old:
She loves her toes...completely loves that they are hers and she can reach them
We have been practicing sitting up on her own without her bumbo and she loves it
She decided she wants to be a thumb but she loves her thumb!
She loves her little jumper she is absolutely hilarious in it she just about jumps right out of it! ( i keep trying to load a vdo of her in it but it wont load dang it)
She FINALLY likes to laugh and its about time, she was such a stingy little stinker with that before now!
She also has learned her "B" sound so she goes on and on babbling the "B" :)
She now loves to stand instead of sit!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Early halloween

Halloween came early for us this year! This is our cute little lady bug....and even though you cant see it close up i made this adorable little lady bug tutu! She looks so stinking cute in her little halloween outfit!

So the rules are: Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. You must use only one word answers! Once you have filled it out you then pass it on to 6 of your favorite bloggers and alert them that they have been awarded.
1. Where is your cell phone? floor
2. Your hair? messy
3. Your mother? LOVING
4. Your father? hunting
5. Your favorite food? sweets
6. Your dream last night? sleep???
7. Your favorite drink? mtn dew
8. Your dream/goal? Family
9. What room are you in? Family
10. Your hobby? watchband making
11. Your fear? loved ones dying
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Accomplished
13. Where were you last night? buliding
14. Something that you aren't? shy
15. Muffins? mmmmm
16. Wish list item? jacuzzi
17. Where did you grow up? utah
18. Last thing you did? facebooked
19. What are you wearing? Sweats
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pets? Bria :)
22. Friends? Busy
23. Your life? INSANE
24. Your mood? exhausted
25. Missing someone? Adam
26. Vehicle? dirty
27. Something you’re not wearing? bra :)
28. Your favorite store? vanity
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When was the last time you laughed? lastnight
y31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. Your best friend? Husband
33. One place that I go to over and over? walmart
34. One person who emails me regularly? Facebook
35. Favorite place to eat? Mandarin Garden
Now I'm passing the love to:
Michelle F.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So i've been horrible at posting as of the last couple months, I'm going to put up some pictures of whats been keeping us so BUSY! We are almost done framing the 2nd house in our group YAY only 4 more to go UGH! This building houses thing can be really quite challenging from finding sitters for Bria to having enough energy and muscle to actually do the hard manual labor to either feeling like your skin is going to MELT cause of the blazing hot sun or praying that the sun will come out and melt you from your fridged ice cubed body! I'm grateful for the experience not many people get to learn how to actually build a house, somedays its actually not so much we were out there for 12 hours from 7 to 7 and i dont know honestly whats gotten into me lately but the IRRITABLE BUG has definately BITTEN me!!! Lately i feel so flustered and edgy at just about everything. The other challenge for me is to learn to let my anger and frustration go i'm the type of person who when i'm mad will clam up and just walk away which is the most OBVIOUS sign that i'm angry or frustrated cause normally my very chatty out going self is happy to be around people doing stuff, but lately i just feel like i want everyone to leave me alone.... :( My problem with claming up is that i stay frustrated cause whatever is bugging me crawls right under my skin and just stays there festering like a sore wound and im really HATING it! Adam always tries to teach me that i can calmly and poliety tell people when they are hurting my feeling then i dont have to let it fester, but try as i might i just cant muster up the courage to say anything...BLAH! What ends up happening is i get mad at myself that days later i'm still upset at whatever the situation was when really i have much bigger things in life to spend my energy on......good news is that my sweet loving little Bria makes me smile all the time! I am so grateful that she picked me to be her mommy! She has the most loving happy little spirit along with the biggest and most beautiful smile i've ever seen without teeth haha! She gets more personality everyday, I love that she always has a love for me when i'm feeling down sometimes i wonder what a lost little mess i would be without her and my Adam! I am a lucky lucky lady to have these two who despite all my flaws and insecurities love me regardless! So this is what i will chose to focus on in times of good thing i blogged all that out so its not rattling around in my brain anymore and i can see how blessed i am instead of how grumpy i let myself get over the stupidest things! I love love love my bebes, thanks to them for always taking care of me!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Yay for baby Kambria!

so my big girl started like this and ended like..........
this! Yay she now as of last friday knows how to rollover both ways, good job B! :)
And i finally found me a cute little LAUNDRY FAIRY that i've wished for my whole adult life haha isnt she cute in this basket?!

I love this little Kambria i'm so lucky to get to spend all my time with her!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

This is how TINY Kambria USED to be:

And here is our BIG GIRL now! SHe had her 4 month check up today which went great! She was so brave she hardly even cried this time when she got her shots! She weighed 7 lbs 9 0z at birth and now weighs 17.2 lbs!!! WOW she is getting so big so fast! She was 19.5 in at birth and now is 25.5 in long which for all of those who tease adam and i for being so short our daughter is in the 90% for HEIGHT YAY!! So she's growin like a weed and is so so cute! We just can't get enough of her!! Love you Baby girl!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kambria's Blessing

Smiley little girl!

Kambria in mommy's/her blessing dress, doesn't she look beautiful in this 25 yr old dress my mom made!

Our little family

Aunt Stac lovin on Bria

The Avery clan

The olsen clan

The girls!
Sunday was my birthday/Kambria's baby blessing and it was such a great day! These are just a few of the cute pictures that were taken of all our family and friends that came! We felt so loved to have everyone there for our little Bria! Tons of great food, great company the day was a success! Thanks to everyone who came and helped put it all together, Love you all!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kambria's favorites

Isnt my smiley little girl so cute!! I love this little face so much! I thought i would post some of Kambria's favorite things as of late:
* She loves to "talk" she's very impressed with any noise she can make to make you smile at her
*She LOVES her mommy and daddy, she's always very excited to see daddy and has lots of smiles for him
*She LOVE LOVE LOVES the tub, bath time is her very favorite
*She is also quite the outdoor baby, she LOVES to look at everything outside
*Because she loves being outside so much definately one of her favorites is Going on walks in the Baby Bjorn cause she gets to look at everything
*She is such an attention hound she loves when people talk to her and smile with her
*As bad as it sounds she LOVES to watch the t.v. she loves the colors and the movement on the screen
*She loves her Bouncer, walker/jumper, Swing, BUMBO chair she thinks she's such a big girl cause she can sit up without moms help
*She LOVES her binkies, we might die without them
*She loves to look at the cute baby girl in the mirror and talk to her
*She is also gettin to be quite the little chunk, so of course she LOVES to eat haha
*She also loves her "finger" steaks i think we might have a thumb sucker on our hands
*She absolutely loves to have a "conversation" with you she loves the interaction she gets when she coo's and then you talk back to her she will keep it up as long as you keep talking back to her its so CUTE
*She laughs a little bit but she's kinda stingy with it, very few and far between but ADORABLE when she does
* Did i mention she LOVES to smile, and Mom LOVES it!
So these are just a few favorites for now, i love watching her grow and see the new things she's learning its so FUN! Love you baby girl!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our cute very SPOILED girl!

So little miss Kambria is what we would call SPOILED!! I swear everytime we make a trip to walmart we come home with a new fun toy for her to play with....So she got a little johnny jumper/walker thing with lights, music and lots of fun noise making toys AND a bumbo chair and she loves them both!! She has this cute little smurk on her face like ya i'm such a big girl its so cute!!

Cute pictures of Kambria

This are a few cute new pictures of our little Kambria! Enjoy :)