Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let the Cravings Begin!

So i've been trying to fight it lately but somedays i just can't! So my husband is sweet enough to make a food run for me i sent him to the store the other day to look for those chocolate caramel nut clusters, he's so funny he called me and said babe i can't find them! So i said well you better not come home without them dang it haha just joking but he did make the mistake once of coming home with groceries that were kind of close to what i was craving but just not that exact thing and i wouldnt eat them, i tried they just didn't taste the same. I have never experienced such strong cravings for one specific food its funny cause even if its close but not it i seriously don't think it tastes as good so i don't like to eat it! I'm probably just a crazy pregnant girl and i can't help it! i think its sweet that adam loves me enough to hunt down my food cravings :) Oh the joys of being pregnant! I'm just grateful for moments when i feel good enough to eat something sweet! Oh and the best thing happened this week actually on thanksgiving was the first time that i felt our little baby move!! I've just been waiting patiently wondering if i would actually notice it when it happened, so after stuffing myself nearly all day when we got home i was just laying down relaxing with my hand on my belly and sure enough i felt two little pokes!! i couldn't believe it the first one i just thought oh that was weird the muscle in my belly just twitched and then it did it again and i thought holy crap thats the baby!! So its still really suttle kind of hard for adam to feel but i am loving it!! We are so thankful for this little baby!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So our dr visit went great! My dr. is such a nice person she's great to answer any of my weird questions and she makes me feel totally comfortable. So she gave us the thumbs up on the baby we listened to the heartbeat again she said it sounds very strong! My belly was measuring right on so everyone that thinks my belly should be stickin out by now and are disappointed that its not yet apparently that is totally normal at this point. However i did finally gain a pound! Yay ha ha who would think gaining weight is a good sign i'm just gonna keep telling myself it's for my baby so i don't freak out about the weight gain! So next is our ultra sound in a couple of weeks so not to much longer before we find out if we are having a mini adam or mini stace! Yay!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Best Friends are Great to Have!

This is one of my best friends miss Sara Kirk! I love that she finally lives close to me, we grew up together pretty much our entire lives and have shared all our life experiences together both good and bad! So now that she lives in salt lake i get to drag her to my dr appointments with me when my sweet husband can't come! So today is baby visit #2 I'll let ya'll know how it goes!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Oh baby!

So today has been one of those days for me that i just think i don't know if i can really do this! I am still feeling pretty sick which is really frustrating me! I kinda thought by now i would be out of the sick phase and start to enjoy the whole experience of being pregnant, instead i feel like crying my eyes out cause i'm exhausted, i never sleep and i just feel sick! Sometimes i wonder what was i thinking with this whole baby business! If anyone has any suggestions to help me please send them my way!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Carrie Underwood

So last night my cousin called me and said hey i have an extra ticket to Carrie Underwood! Her concert was amazing!! She is such a BEAUTIFUL and TALENTED girl its incredible! Anyway it was such a good show and we had a blast! THanks for inviting me Whit!! Love ya

Monday, November 17, 2008


So this post is for my friend Shea! I am so glad you found me sorry i'm still a beginner to this blog business and i am DYING to talk to you but it will not let me get on your page! So when you get a chance to read this i want you to email at and leave your phone # so i can call and catch up with you!! It's been way to long and for some reason i was thinking someone told me you live in or near salt lake which if you do is great because thats where we are! I would LOVE together with ya! Ah i'm such a nerd now that i've posted this "PAGING SHEA" bulletin you better make sure you do it! Cant wait to hear from ya! Love Stace :)