Wednesday, January 28, 2009

5 things i'm addicted to.....

So nikki tagged me to admit the 5 things i'm addicted to.... in random order

1. Shopping for my baby girl, its getting bad even when i go to the store just to buy bread and milk i always wonder over to the baby stuff just to look and see what i might want to get for her. I have to admit i haven't really caved and bought much just clothes, my mom has been so great to buy mostly all the big stuff for us! What a blessing seriously!

2. Since i've been pregnant my cravings turn to addiction for a few weeks and then my taste buds change and suddenly what i was in love with tastes funny and i start to crave something else. Currently i can't get enough of the big laffy taffy's, the little ones just don't taste the same for some reason. the wally watermelon is my favorite sugar treat!

3. Grey's Anatomy, i've been addicted forever! I hope to be a cardiology nurse someday so i love watching medical shows but grey's is by far my favorite. You get medical ("fake medical haha") and drama, i love it!

4. My little BrIa's heartbeat!! I really don't think at this point of my life i've found any greater sound i would rather hear! I recorded it on my phone at the dr's office and i listen to it all the time, cause i'm such a nerd!!

5. I have to admit i've pretty much been addicted to adam from like our first real date! Once we met we were pretty much hooked at the hip and lately over the past year working opposite shifts and him working with my friends husband during the night means we hardly EVER see eachother. I work til like 7 and make it home by 8 only to have him gone to work for the second time of the day (only twice a week, but it seems like all the time when you never see him, trust me on that!) so i'm at home alone during the day and he's here while i'm at work then i make it home and he's gone again.....ah the statement that you see eachother more when you are dating is really ringing true for us! However we are very grateful for the money opportunites that present themselves to us even if it means working odd hours to save extra for our little one! So consequently i am more addicted to him now which i never thought would be possible because i never see his cute face!! Sometimes i think maybe the reason it took us FOREVER to get pregnant was because we never see eachother, so its a miracle i have this little bun in my mommy oven ha ha!

K so i spilled my secret addictions now its Reena's, Shea's, Stac's and Tonya's turn to admit the 5 things they are in love with!

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Pictures

Ok so a few of you have been asking for another bump picture so here it is! We put our crib together this weekend for little Bria. Her room isn't decorated yet but slowly we are getting there. Adam's mom got us this crib and we LOVE it! And there is definately no hiding my baby belly in any outfit, We are 25 weeks in this picture and she's getting bigger everyday ( or i should say I'M getting bigger)! We can't wait to meet our little princess :)

We also got to spend some time with one of my best friends and these are all her cute little kids! Trey is 5 months already i can't believe it and looks just like his daddy! Taylor had to show me her new set of teeth that she got yummy eh? Kye is such a sweet little boy i freaking love krista's kids, I can't wait for my own to get here!! :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jobs at home

Ok so i'm starting to drive myself and i'm sure my husband crazy because i am searching for jobs that stay at home moms can do. Unfortunately i'm not having much luck so i'm putting up this post hoping that any of my stay at home mom friends have or know someone that has a job at home that they like and make decent money. Honestly who would have thought it was so hard to find a job like this but so far every place i've looked isn't hiring. I have about 3 1/2 months til little Kambria gets here and i would really like to find something that i can already be set up doing and comfortable with by the time she gets here. So friends if you or anyone you know can help me out please please let me know! Thanks :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

how can you not love this little face?! This is our cute little niece jaylee who just turned 4yrs old i can't believe it! She is such a sweet little thing and says the FUNNIEST things ever we love her!!

Now that we finally have a camera i can put up some pics of us. I love love love my sweet husband! :)