Thursday, February 26, 2009

Alot to be Thankful for!!

So i definately have alot to be thankful for these days! I recently had to take my gestational diabetes test being that i am now 29 weeks pregnant and we had a little bit of a scare....i didn't pass my first test! So thankfully i have a loving mother and brother who were willing to come down and be my moral support so my husband could work. I had to take another test this last monday which included fasting for 8 HRS and then i had to drink that horribly awful drink which i will have you know on your second round of testing is much much stronger and nastier (sp?) and i swear i was gonna throw it up, my stomach was so upset from not eating for so long i was really struggling but i made it through. They start by taking your blood before you drink the drink and then followed by 3 more blood draws an hr apart each so all in all my big ol pregnant self fasted for 14 HRS and i was so hard BUT my test results came back and.....WE PASSED!! I have been telling my mom how excited i am to meet little Bria but at the same time am so worried and anxious what if i'm not a good mom (hopefully i'm not the only one that has felt like that) but when they told me that i might have this and i know lots of women get it and its supposedly no big deal but if i had it it was a big deal to me there are so many things that can go wrong with the baby if you aren't perfect about taking care of it i was just so nervous for my little girl! But thankfully no worries we are both HEALTHY girls!!
Also my mom has been continuously spoiling me, adam and the baby! she bought us these FABULOUS reclinerS yes 2 of them so i could relax with my feet up and hopefully get some freaking sleep! (this picture is the one in my room) I highly recommend them to all my pregnant friends it is wonderful to lay on your back (i really miss sleeping on my back!!) with your feet up!
And my sweet sweet husband who really makes me feel like the luckiest girl ever! He tells me almost everyday how happy he is to be married to me and he actually says THANK YOU FOR BEING PREGNANT! Now if that isn't sweet to hear out of a mans mouth i don't know what is! Alot of men typically whine about how they "have" to take care of their sick pregnant wife....well ladies i definately lucked out, he never says things like that, he always kisses my belly, rubs my back, always helps with the cleaning and cooking and says THANK YOU FOR BEING PREGNANT! He really is my best friend and such a great husband!! Bria and i are so lucky to have him! We love you Daddy :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Me trying to be crafty

so i decided that since i couldnt find any head bands for Bria that i like i made some! I'm just getting started, i made these for her today it was kinda fun :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Our Cute Nursery!

Ok so my mom came down this weekend and we had a freaking blast setting up the nursery! (these letters are so cute the ones that look blue in this picture are actually purple not sure why they look blue? they are brown white and purple with poka dots so cute!
Our changing table!

These butterflies are adorable they are purple and green and silver with pink (ps the walls are a cute pastel green color)

And these are my new favorite outfits for miss bria! The one on the left is so cute i am so excited to see her in it and the little purple one says daddy's girl, i couldnt pass it up and it made adam smile!! So we are pretty much all set up for this little one already, i know i still have 3 months left but it feels like a HUGE relief that we have everything we need! My mom and wayne seriously went NUTS shopping and got her the stroller/carseat, highchair, swing and pack-n-play!! And all the stuff in the nursery including a diaper genie, her baby bath, a boppie, the cribset, the changing table and little necessities for bria....WOW grandma and grandpa to the rescue! We got royally spoiled and are so thankful!! Seriously i hope the next 3 months fly by so she can FINALLY be here!! We love her to pieces already :)