Thursday, June 25, 2009

Finally some new pictures!

This is our little family! Isn't Kambria just so precious in theses photos! She getting to be such a big girl....amazing how fast they grow and change! We love this baby girl more then words can describe, we are so grateful she has come to our family, life feels more complete having her with us! We love you Kambria Kay!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So we got all moved last saturday oh my gosh what a freaking chore! Every time Adam and I move i swear its going to be our last move til we buy a house, well this time was almost true. We will be building a house in Nibley and are staying with my mom in Hyrum til our house is finished then one last move from her house to ours....Yay! Adam and I have been so blessed this last year to get our goals we set for this year accomplished. Our goals were to have a baby and buy a house this year and we are getting both, thats amazing to us....... we are so lucky! So its going to be ALOT of hard work to get our house built but we're up for the challenge so wish us luck! Also i took this sweet picture of my little kambria and had to post it cause she's so cute!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the sweetest things that life has to offer

So i came in the house the other day to find this sweet sight in the recliner! I know that most of wish we had enough money to live comfortably, nice home to live in and fancy cars but at the end of the day i would have to say having an amazingly sweet, kind, caring husband and the worlds sweetest baby girl is by far a million times better then anything money could buy! I love these two people more then life itself and am such a lucky girl to get to spend all my time with them both! :)