Monday, August 31, 2009

This is how TINY Kambria USED to be:

And here is our BIG GIRL now! SHe had her 4 month check up today which went great! She was so brave she hardly even cried this time when she got her shots! She weighed 7 lbs 9 0z at birth and now weighs 17.2 lbs!!! WOW she is getting so big so fast! She was 19.5 in at birth and now is 25.5 in long which for all of those who tease adam and i for being so short our daughter is in the 90% for HEIGHT YAY!! So she's growin like a weed and is so so cute! We just can't get enough of her!! Love you Baby girl!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kambria's Blessing

Smiley little girl!

Kambria in mommy's/her blessing dress, doesn't she look beautiful in this 25 yr old dress my mom made!

Our little family

Aunt Stac lovin on Bria

The Avery clan

The olsen clan

The girls!
Sunday was my birthday/Kambria's baby blessing and it was such a great day! These are just a few of the cute pictures that were taken of all our family and friends that came! We felt so loved to have everyone there for our little Bria! Tons of great food, great company the day was a success! Thanks to everyone who came and helped put it all together, Love you all!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kambria's favorites

Isnt my smiley little girl so cute!! I love this little face so much! I thought i would post some of Kambria's favorite things as of late:
* She loves to "talk" she's very impressed with any noise she can make to make you smile at her
*She LOVES her mommy and daddy, she's always very excited to see daddy and has lots of smiles for him
*She LOVE LOVE LOVES the tub, bath time is her very favorite
*She is also quite the outdoor baby, she LOVES to look at everything outside
*Because she loves being outside so much definately one of her favorites is Going on walks in the Baby Bjorn cause she gets to look at everything
*She is such an attention hound she loves when people talk to her and smile with her
*As bad as it sounds she LOVES to watch the t.v. she loves the colors and the movement on the screen
*She loves her Bouncer, walker/jumper, Swing, BUMBO chair she thinks she's such a big girl cause she can sit up without moms help
*She LOVES her binkies, we might die without them
*She loves to look at the cute baby girl in the mirror and talk to her
*She is also gettin to be quite the little chunk, so of course she LOVES to eat haha
*She also loves her "finger" steaks i think we might have a thumb sucker on our hands
*She absolutely loves to have a "conversation" with you she loves the interaction she gets when she coo's and then you talk back to her she will keep it up as long as you keep talking back to her its so CUTE
*She laughs a little bit but she's kinda stingy with it, very few and far between but ADORABLE when she does
* Did i mention she LOVES to smile, and Mom LOVES it!
So these are just a few favorites for now, i love watching her grow and see the new things she's learning its so FUN! Love you baby girl!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Our cute very SPOILED girl!

So little miss Kambria is what we would call SPOILED!! I swear everytime we make a trip to walmart we come home with a new fun toy for her to play with....So she got a little johnny jumper/walker thing with lights, music and lots of fun noise making toys AND a bumbo chair and she loves them both!! She has this cute little smurk on her face like ya i'm such a big girl its so cute!!

Cute pictures of Kambria

This are a few cute new pictures of our little Kambria! Enjoy :)