Thursday, December 17, 2009

Miss Kambria 7 months

So here a few cute more recent pictures of bria within the last month or so......In her 7 month of life (wow that went so fast) she got her first tooth coming in!! She's turning into such a BIG GIRL! she has completely mastered sitting up on her own, is trying to crawl, and pull herself up on stuff hasnt quite accomplished it yet though but she's giving it a good effort and has learned how to basically RUN in her walker! She is a very smart little girl and learns very quickly she started walking in it both forward and backward which my mom said is amazing cause it usually takes babies awhile to learn how to do both , well not little B as soon as she learned she could move when and where she wanted in that thing she took off!! I have a video of her in it but it wont load for some reason so ill keep trying so look for it to come soon! She also LOVES to play peek a boo, she laughs and laughs when we play, she's still a momma's girl which melts my heart and she LOVES to give kisses, she also has started waving, not when you say hi or bye she will see something she wants and start waving at it, its kinda funny! She still loves to smile and laugh and is such a happy little girl!At every stage i think she just gets cuter and more fun and can't wait to see what she learns next!! Love you little B


{Rollins Family} said...

we have GOT to get these little girls togther!! she is adorable

Suzy Tranter said...

She is so cute Stace! She is getting so big! Her and Knox would make a cute couple!

Kallee said...

She is so darn cute Stace! She really does look like her daddy:). So fun to see pictures.

The house looks so nice and so exciting! Hope all is going well.

J. Andrés Campos said...

very nice!!